Portfolio Requirements

  • To be considered for a judged award, teams MUST submit an engineering portfolio

  • 16 pages total (15 + cover page)

  • Must be equivalent to standard A or A4 paper

  • Minimum font size of 10 points

  • No linked content

  • Cover page may ONLY contain: team number, team name, team location, team school or organization, team motto, image of team and/or image of robot

  • Team number at the top of each page

  • Summary of engineering content, including robot design processes

  • Summer of team information: team and outreach activities

  • Summary of team plan: business plan, fundraising plan, strategic plan, sustainability plan, plan for skill development

Portfolio Guidelines

All Portfolio requirements and guidelines can be found in Game Manual 1:

Portfolio Template

Email us at vcscrobotics@gmail.com for a pdf version of this Engineering Portfolio Template